Circuit Technology Center

7.4.1 Soldering Surface Mount J Lead Components, Point To Point Method

This procedure covers the general guidelines for soldering surface mount J lead components. There is basically only one style of J lead component. Whether leads are on two sides or four sides, or whether the component is large or small, the soldering principles are the same.

Minimum Skill Level - Intermediate
Recommended for technicians with skills in basic soldering and component rework, but may be inexperienced in general repair/rework procedures.

Conformance Level - High
This procedure most closely duplicates the physical characteristics of the original, and most probably complies with all the functional, environmental and serviceability factors.

Acceptability References
IPC-A-610 12.0 Surface Mount Assemblies
Procedure References
1.0 Foreword
2.1 Handling Electronic Assemblies
2.2 Cleaning
2.5 Baking And Preheating
7.1.1 Soldering Basics
7.1.2 Preparation For Soldering And Component Removal
7.1.3 Solder Joint Acceptability Criteria
IPC7711 5.6.2 Point-To-Point-Method
Kits and Systems
Part No. / Item / Description Price Order
Flex-Rack PCB Holder
Sturdy rack for PCBs used for rework and positioning.
$595.00 Each
Precision Tool Set
Nine precision-crafted tools for detailed circuit board work.
$106.00 Each
Soldering Skills Practice Kit
Training kit to practice circuit board soldering skills prior to testing for certification.
$90.00 Each
Additional Items and Supplies
General purpose cleaner for removing contamination.
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Precision microscope with stand and lighting for work and inspection.
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Soldering Iron
Properly maintained soldering iron and properly sized soldering iron tips.
- -
Nonabrasive, low-linting wipes for cleanup.
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Images and Figures
7.4.1 Soldering Surface Mount J Lead Components, Point To Point Method
Surface Mount J Lead Component
7.4.1 Soldering Surface Mount J Lead Components, Point To Point Method
Figure 1: Place component and check alignment.
7.4.1 Soldering Surface Mount J Lead Components, Point To Point Method
Figure 2: Place the soldering iron tip at the junction between the pad and component lead.

7.4.1 Soldering Surface Mount J Lead Components, Point To Point Method
Figure 3:A - Dot indicates pin 1.B - Indicates pin 5.C - Indicates direction of pin count.
  1. Add liquid flux to the corner pads.
  2. Place the component in position and hold it steady. The leads must be aligned with the pads. On large components this is best done by aligning the leads on opposite corners. (See Figure 1)
  3. Place the soldering iron tip at the junction between the pad and component lead at one of the corners. Apply additional solder as needed. (See Figure 2)
  4. Remove the tip. Wait a moment for the solder to solidify before soldering the opposite corner.
  5. After the opposite corner is soldered, solder the remaining leads.
  6. Clean, if required, and inspect.
Solder Joint Acceptable Criteria - J Lead Components
Solder Joint Acceptance Criteria
Feature Dim Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Maximum Lead Side Overhang 1 No more than 50% of the lead width. No more than 50% of the lead width. No more than 25% of the lead width.
Maximum Lead Toe Overhang 2 Not specified. Not specified. Not specified.
Minimum Lead End Joint Width 3 50% of the lead width. 50% of the lead width. 75% of the lead width.
Minimum Side Joint Length 4 Evidence of proper wetting. Side joint length must exceed 150% of the lead width. Side joint length must exceed 150% of the lead width.
Maximum Fillet Height 5 No maximum, but solder must not touch the component package body. No maximum, but solder must not touch the component package body. No maximum, but solder must not touch the component package body.
Mininimum Heel Fillet Height 6 Equal to the solder thickness plus 50% of the lead thickness. Equal to the solder thickness plus the lead thickness. Equal to the solder thickness plus the lead thickness.
Mininimum Solder Thickness 7 Evidence of proper wetting. Evidence of proper wetting. Evidence of proper wetting.
Procedure for reference only.