Circuit Technology Center

10.8.1 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Manual

The above video demonstrates tinning on SOIC type components. During this video demonstration, the solder pot shroud and nitrogen inerting was removed to clearly show the tinning process. For more information see 10.8.2 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Robotic.
This procedure covers manual tinning of through-hole connectors.

Caution: Due to the need to completely control the rates of immersion and emersion of the through-hole connector pins and the dwell times in and between each process step, a robotic hot solder dip is recommended for through-hole connector tinning. Semi-automatic or purely manual solder dipping processes may not be capable of completely controlling the rates of immersion and emersion of the through-hole connector pins and only provide approximate dwell dipping times in the solder bath. Greater variation in the process may cause a higher chance of damage, including latent reliability problems.

Manual dipping required for full solder finish replacement is different than manual dipping currently practiced for meeting solderability requirements because of the increased need for 100% coverage on the through-hole connector pins to prevent whisker growth. Certain electronic component package styles may not lend themselves to robotic hot solder dipping and may require alternative processing.

Note: For robotic thinning refer to 10.8.2 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Robotic.

Minimum Skill Level - Expert
Recommended for technicians with advanced soldering and component rework skills and extensive experience in most repair/rework procedures.

Conformance Level - Medium
This procedure may have some variance with the physical character of the original and most likely varies with some of the functional, environmental and serviceability factors.

Acceptability References
IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies
Procedure References
1.0 Foreword
2.1 Handling Electronic Assemblies
2.2 Cleaning
2.5 Baking and Preheating
10.1.1 Component Tinning Basics
IPC J-STD-033 Joint Industry Standard for Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Device
J-STD-001 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies
J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices
Manufacturer's Datasheets Requirements for case temperature maximum and Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL)
Additional Items and Supplies
Cleaning System
Batch or inline cleaning system for removing fluxes and contamination.
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Disposable, puncture-resistant gloves designed for handling mild chemicals.
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Hot Plate
Temperature adjustable heated plate to pre-heat components and circuit boards prior to tinning and reflow.
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Precision microscope with stand and lighting for work and inspection.
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General purpose oven for drying, baking and curing epoxies.
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Safety Glasses
Protect your eyes and your vision with proper safety glasses.
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Solder Flux
Used to prepare solder surfaces and to prevent formation of oxides during soldering.
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Solder Pot
Solder pot with static or dynamic solder wave for wire and electronic component tinning.
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Multiple sizes and tip configurations of tweezers for various small parts handling needs.
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Vacuum Pickup Tool
Manual or powered vacuum pickup tool for handling small parts and electrinic components.
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Images and Figures
10.8.1 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Manual
Through-Hole connector.
10.8.1 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Manual
Figure 1. Solder pot.
10.8.1 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Manual
Fgure 2. Vacuum pickup tool.

10.8.1 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Manual
Figure 3. A variety of tweezers or gripping tools depending on the connector configuration.
10.8.1 Tinning, Connectors, Through-Hole, Manual
Figure 4. Hot plate used to preheat the connector to reduce thermal shock.
  1. Ensure the connectors to be processed meet the requirements for acceptable Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL).
    Note: For information on baking and moisture level control, see 2.5 Baking and Preheating.
  2. Set up the Solder Pot with the proper process parameters, including solder temperature. (See Figure 1.)
    Note Refer to the connector datasheet for guidelines regarding peak temperature specifications and other process parameters.
  3. Turn on the Solder Pot and allow the temperature to stabilize. Test the wave to ensure the solder is flowing smoothly if a flowing wave is used.
  4. If needed, add protective covers or masking over protruding fasteners or other parts of the connectors that may become contaminated with solder.
  5. Pick up a connector using a vacuum pick-up tool, mechanical tweezer, or gripper tool. (See Figures 2 and 3.)
  6. Dip or apply flux to each pin of the connector.
  7. If needed, place the connector on a hot plate. The heated plate will heat the connector to activate the flux and evaporate volatiles. Pre-heating the connector will also reduce the likelihood of temperature shock when placed in the liquidus solder. (See Figure 4.)
  8. Dip the pins of the connector into the molten solder. Follow recommended timing for immersion and emersion to properly tin the entire soldered surface areas.
    Caution: Due to the need to completely control the rates of immersion and emersion of the connector pins and the dwell times in and between each process step, a robotic hot solder dip is recommended for connector tinning. See caution note above.
  9. If the flux used is water-soluble, run the connectors through a filtered hot water rinse to remove the flux residues. If the flux used is not water-soluble, use the appropriate flux remover solvent to clean the connectors.
  10. Complete the cleaning by washing the connectors in a cleaning system.
  11. Dry the connectors in a general-purpose oven.
  12. Visually inspect the connectors' appearance, cleanliness, and condition. Check the connector pins for acceptable solder coverage and inspect the body of the connectors for abnormalities.
  13. Before packaging for shipping, dry the connectors again in a general-purpose oven at a temperature and for a time that meets the connectors' stated Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) requirement from the manufacturer's datasheet.
  1. Visual examination.
  2. Tests or other inspection criteria as specified by customer drawings.
Procedure for reference only.